Wednesday, January 24, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Growth Mindset ABC Order {Freebie}”

by Evenings With Drake
3rd - 5th Grade

This no-prep language arts free resource sampler was created for the purpose of giving 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students practice with the skill of placing 18 specific, content-based words and phrases in alphabetical order. In addition, students will use their decoding skills to identify and sort growth mindset vocabulary words by sound spellings (short vowels, long vowels, r-controlled words, etc.), part of speech (nouns, verbs, etc.), and number of syllables.

Interested in the full Growth Mindset ABC Order Resource? Click HERE for more information!

How It Works: Students are given an unalphabetized list of growth mindset vocabulary words and phrases. Each list of words is to be rearranged alphabetically. After the words have been arranged in alphabetical order, the words may then be categorized and color-sorted by vowel sound, part of speech, or the number of syllables.

What's Included?
*Two (2) growth mindset ABC order printables
*Two (2) growth mindset ABC order printable answer keys

Gentle Suggestions/Tips/Reminders:
*For your convenience, all letters of the alphabet (from A to Z) have been placed on both growth mindset ABC order printables.
*These growth mindset ABC order printables are a perfect addition to your reading and literacy stations/centers/rotations. In addition, these printables work great as morning/seat/bell work; for weekly homework practice; and as growth mindset discussion starters.
*For your convenience, answer keys have been provided for both growth mindset ABC order printables.

Happy growth mindset alphabetical ordering! Your feedback is valued and appreciated! :)

Evenings With Drake
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